Northcity Accountants was founded by Mr Julius Mather. who graduated from Charles Sturt university in Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and worked in the industry in Accounting, Taxation &,Management fields, is a qualified Accountant, Member of Institute of Public Accountants Australia and Associate Member of Certified Practicing Accountants Australia , and holds public practice certificate with Institute of public Accountants Australia, is a Registered Tax Agent, Registered BAS Agent & Registered ASIC Company Agent, & Credit Advisor and Finance Broker, SMSF Auditor.
Key to the success of these is commitment to respect, professionalism, accountability, enjoyment and passion. The group delivers an integrated and comprehensive Accounting & Taxation Service to our clients. These offerings are provided by a team of highly qualified advisors and consultants working in all suburbs in Melbourne.
Our operations head office is based at Suite 7, 545 McDonalds Road, South Morang VIC 3752, and our mobile Tax Consultants servicing in all areas in Melbourne.
Northcity Accountants aspires to be Australia’s pre-eminent professional services firm which provides Accounting & Taxation services and solutions of outstanding quality and value.
Northcity Accountants’ core values are what we demand of ourselves and what we expect of others and what governs our approach to our work and how we interact with people both inside and outside of our organisation.
These are:
Suite 7, 545, McDonalds Road,
South Morang
VIC 3752
Name: Northcity Accountants
Bank Name: Westpac Banking Corporation
BSB: 033 073
Acc No: 461482
P O Box 1030, Epping,
VIC 3076 Australia
Tax preparation Fee
Bas preparation Fee
Company Registration Fees
Other Fees
Master card
Diners Cards
JCB cards
Accountants & Tax Agents Pty Ltd & Accountants & Tax Agents (SM) Pty Ltd, liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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