Picture the scenario: it’s a few days before the tax lodgement deadline date for the current year, and you still haven’t finished your tax return documents. Perhaps you forgot about it amidst a chaotic time at your business. Maybe you’ve just been struggling compiling deductions or getting through some other part of the process. Maybe your business is in troubling financial straits, and you’ve been putting off lodging your taxes because you are worried about how much you will end up having to pay.
In any case, you are short on time to finish your taxes and lodge them with the proper authorities. How can you get all of the necessary paperwork done on time? How can you avoid missing the deadline and facing the possible consequences of doing so?
When It’s Time to Call Northcity Accountants
The answer is to call Northcity Accountants. We are tax consultants in Doreen and have been helping clients like you since 2008. While we do handle personal tax matters from time to time, small businesses are our forte, and we are happy to assist you in preparing your taxes and lodging them on time. Even when it’s crunch time, we will carry out your tax planning process with care and close attention to detail. Our goal is to get the maximum refund for every single one of our clients, and that mission doesn’t fade into the background at any point—even if you don’t call us until a few days before the deadline.
Three factors make Northcity Accountants perfect for small businesses working with limited time and limited funds. First off, we are mobile tax accountants in Doreen, which means that we can come to your home or offices to discuss tax matters with you. We typically prefer to meet at our head office, which is located at the South Morang Shopping Centre. However, if you’re crunched for time and can’t afford the time it would take to come to us, our Doreen tax agents can come to you.
Secondly, we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week if you need us. In other words, we can come to your home or offices on weekends or during off-hours when necessary. If you are on a tight deadline for your tax return preparation, you need an accountant in Epping that can be there to help you at any time. At Northcity Accountants, we are the tax agents you need.
Thirdly and finally, our prices are reasonable and competitive. If your business had a bad year, you might be hesitant to spend extra on a tax agent in Doreen. However, our rates are affordable and our drive to get you the maximum tax refund will sometimes pay for itself. We charge a small extra fee for our mobile tax accounting services, but they are worthwhile for convenience and service availability.
Whether you are facing a tough deadline, struggling with deductions, worried about an expensive tax season or unable to get out of the office for an accounting appointment, Northcity Accounting can lend a hand. Our mobile tax accountants in Doreen will do everything they can to make your business tax planning process as convenient and painless as possible. Call us on 03 9404 2737 to learn more.
Suite 7, 545, McDonalds Road,
South Morang
VIC 3752
Name: Northcity Accountants
Bank Name: Westpac Banking Corporation
BSB: 033 073
Acc No: 461482
P O Box 1030, Epping,
VIC 3076 Australia
Tax preparation Fee
Bas preparation Fee
Company Registration Fees
Other Fees
Master card
Diners Cards
JCB cards
Accountants & Tax Agents Pty Ltd & Accountants & Tax Agents (SM) Pty Ltd, liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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