Before you sits an overwhelmed man: fingers stained with ink, shirt a wrinkled mess, spectacles slipping precariously down his nose. He’s staring at your tax documents; eyes narrowed in what you hope is concentration (but fear is actually confusion). He shuffles the papers and licks his lips – before confessing that he’s not a trained tax agent. Instead, he was given a quick course in accountancy before being suddenly pushed behind a desk. He asks for your patience.
We suggest you ask for your paperwork – and leave. The Australian Tax Code is an ever-evolving series of standards. Relying on an inexperienced (and unqualified) tax agent in South Morang to navigate those rules may prove disastrous – with improperly filed returns and missed deduction opportunities.
Since 2008 Northcity Accountants has connected our clients to trained tax agents in South Morang, emphasising the need for accredited support. We seek to simplify the filing process, as well as enhance every return; and we rely only on certified practitioners to accomplish this. Schedule an appointment to learn more.
The relationship between a tax agent and a client is one of utter trust. Our team strives to maintain that trust, ensuring that all personal and business accounts are handled with the greatest of care. We boast a panel of experienced lawyers and agents, each boasting qualified credentials. These include:
Through these qualifications, each tax agent in South Morang can adapt to all preparation and lodgements needs. We believe that our clients deserve superior support – and we only hire those who are capable of offering that support.
There are countless codes, regulations, and compliances to follow. To ensure that all of these issues are adequately addressed, our tax agents cater to a variety of needs, including:
These services allow our team to provide superior results, with each agent striving toward maximum returns and qualified results. To promote further value, we also offer on-site preparation and bookkeeping. Schedule a convenient mobile appointment with one of our tax agents in South Morang to ensure personalised attention.
ATO demands are endless. Northcity Accountants caters to them all, by offering our clients an experienced panel of agents and accountants. To learn more contact us today by email (, phone (03-9404-2737), or online. We’ll happily answer any questions about our credentials, our services, and our mobile scheduling policies.
Suite 7, 545, McDonalds Road,
South Morang
VIC 3752
Name: Northcity Accountants
Bank Name: Westpac Banking Corporation
BSB: 033 073
Acc No: 461482
P O Box 1030, Epping,
VIC 3076 Australia
Tax preparation Fee
Bas preparation Fee
Company Registration Fees
Other Fees
Master card
Diners Cards
JCB cards
Accountants & Tax Agents Pty Ltd & Accountants & Tax Agents (SM) Pty Ltd, liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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